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Trade Remedies Complaint Management

Established pursuant to provision of section 5(a), (b) of the Kenya Trade Remedies Act, 2017 its divided into 2 Departments i) the complaints department, ii) the verification section it is responsible for classification and verification of unfair import trade complaints.

The functions include to develop institutional system and code for classification and verification of complaints; Develop institutional system and code for classification and verification of complaints; Receive, record, classify and process trade remedies complaints; Train Stakeholders on the Complaints Procedure; Develop an effective feedback management system for trade remedies complaints; Prepare reports on complaints received and processed;  Establish, maintain and update complaints database; Collect relevant data and information required to complete a trade remedy complaint; Safety and protection of confidential documents relating to the complaints; Share trade remedy information with relevant international organizations;  Coordinate the preparation of work plans and budget for the Directorate; and Coordinate the preparation of reports for the Directorate.

  1. Complaints Classifications Department
    Responsible for classification of unfair import trade complaints. the functions include Initiating the development of an institutional system and codes for classification of complaints; Receive , classify and  record complaints; Collaborate with the Directorate of Training and Outreach to facilitate the training of  stakeholders on the complaints procedures; Maintain and update a complaints database; Ensure the safety and protection of confidential documents and information relating to the complaints; Prepare Work plans and budget for the Division; and Prepare reports for the Division.
  2. Complaints Verification Department 
    Responsible for verification of unfair import trade complaints. Its functions include: Assess the reliability and sufficiency of information submitted in a trade remedy  complaint; Collect and compile all relevant data and information to complete a trade remedy complaint; Verify that the complaint achieves the required degree of support from the domestic industry; Liaise with other Agency Directorates to sensitize stakeholders on the relevant data and information required to meet documentation requirement in a trade remedy complaint;  Prepare an executive summary of each complaint for publication with details on the product concerned, summary of the case and list of known parties to the investigation; Maintain and update a database of all complaints verified;  Ensure the safety and protection of confidential documents and information relating to the complaints; Prepare Work plans and budget for the Division; and Prepare reports for the Division.